Monday, January 18, 2021

Scottish Teams Should Join a European Super League

 I think the Scottish clubs should create a European Super League before the other countries do. 

If we join too late, then we will end up in the bottom tier and have to work our way up. 

I like the Atlantic League idea with the big sic Scottish sides, Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Aberdeen. Dundee United, and Hibernian joining from the start. 

Scotland should be at the forefront of a European Super League. So our teams start in as high a tier as possible. 

The countries involved could be teams from Northern Europe, such as Scotland, Poland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Wales, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, and even Russia.

With the league split into regional conferences of 16 teams in each conference. Then the conference champions playing for the title.  

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