Wednesday, January 27, 2021

European Premier Golden Cup.


European Premier Golden Cup.

I think Scottish, Welsh, and Irish (The Republic and Northern Ireland,) sides should get other small to medium sized European nations to take part in a new cross border European club trophy, on top of domestic and European competitive football / soccer.-

This could be called the European Premier Golden Cup.

A club trophy consisting of the leading club sides from the small to medium sized European nations.

So this would be on top of the Champions League, Europa League, and the new European Conference League.

UEFA and FIFA have indicated they would not allow a Cross border league or European Super League.  

But UEFA and FIFA have not spoke out against cross border cups.

That way we could keep the best of both worlds. Where we keep our domestic leagues, but have more European games.

Scotland has been allowed to have Irish, Welsh, and English sides in the Scottish Challenge Cup.

The Scandinavians held a Royal League in recent history that involved participating club teams from various nations.

So Scottish football should explore options to have cross border cups involving teams from various Northern European nations and Portugal.

There are lots of small to medium sized countries in northern, central and southern  Europe, that Scotland could join with to have a cross border club trophy on top of already existing domestic and European competitions.   

Nations to invite into the trophy could include Scotland, Iceland, Belgium, Portugal, Poland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania, Russia, Austria, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Norway, the Faroe Islands, Latvia, Estonia, Luxembourg, Wales, the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and Bosnia.

 League -re-organisation

To cope with increased number of games participating nations may need to reduce the number of games in their domestic set up.
I think we need extra cross border cups to give Scottish sides tough teams to play against more regularly.

The increased revenue could be massive.

Scandinavia is a massive TV market for soccer,

Any nations would do.

I think any nations to take part would do, as long as one is Scotland, with a 3 or more participating nations would do.


Organisation of trophy.

There could be a group stage of guaranteed games for the leading Scottish sides against foreign sides,

Perhaps the top four Scottish sides could participate in the trophy. They would all enter at the group stage but this could be followed by single leg knockout rounds that lead to a final,.


I think this would be a fun idea,  






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