Friday, January 22, 2021

Could a big foreign soccer side buy a Scottish club as a feeder side?

 Could a big foreign soccer side buy a Scottish club as a feeder side?

I would not mind if a big foreign side bought up a Scottish club side as a feeder side. 

It would be cool. I do not mean one of the bigger sides who do not need to be a feeder side. 

The likes of Celtic, Rangers, Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, and Dundee United are too big to benefit from being a feeder side.  

But maybe one of the smaller part time sides could grow by helping to develop sides of big foreign teams. 

They could have professional players, playing for them. 

Small Scottish sides could have some big players, playing for them at an early stage in their football history. 

It could allow Scotland to get investment form abroad. It could allow Scottish football to be a development ground for great players. 

It could allow other players in Scotland to benefit from playing talented foreign players. 

Scotland has a high standard of football, so would be a good place to develop young players. 

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