Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The North American Gridiron League

The North American Gridiron League.

Invented by me. But here is the history of the league  - USA - CANADA - MEXICO - CUBA - PUERTO RICO.
The best American Football sporting system. .

This is a league in an alternative history of American Football, in an alternative history USA. USA people call American football, as football or gridiron.

You can work out the alternative history of the countries from reading the list.

In this list, the Gridiron is played across North America, not just the USA. There are champions from the USA, Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Jamaica. Then in later years the franchises are allowed in Europe.

Year - Name of Championship Side.

1890 New York Scottish Gods.

1891 Boston City Foxes.

1892 The Brooklyn Green Socks.

1893 The Miami Pink Socks.

1894 New York Scottish Gods.

1895 The San Francisco Red Jerseys.

1896 Washington DC Leaders.

1897 Washington DC Leaders.

1898 Washington DC Leaders.
1899 Havana Cubans.

1900 Havana Cubans.

1901 New Mexico Cubs.

1902 The Dakota Union Cowboys.

1903 Michigan Lakers.

1904 Puerto Rico Lions.

1905 Puerto Rico Lions.

1906 Havana Cubans.

1907 Havana Cubans.

1908 Jamaica Beach Angels.

1909 Georgia Southern Dragons.

1910 The Dakota Union Cowboys.

1911 The New York Irishmen.

1912 Midwest Germans.   

1913 Boston City Foxes.

1914 Midwest Germans.

1915 Boston City Rainbows.   

1916 – 19 World War One.

1920 Washington Teddy Bears.

1921 Washington Teddy Bears.

1922 Bigfoot North West.

1923 Bigfoot North West.

1924 Midwest Germans.

1925 Midwest Germans.

1926 Portland Rainbows.

1927 Montreal Francais.  

1928 Montreal Francais.

1929 Detroit Cymru Dragons.

1930 Boston Irish Heroes.  

1931 New Warsaw Poles.

1932 New Warsaw Poles.

1933 New Warsaw Poles.

1934 Philadelphia Cows

1935 Zoo Zebras.  

1936 Liberty City Chargers.

1937 Chicago Celtic Americans.

1938 Chicago Celtic Americans.

1939 45 World War One.

1946 Nevada Einstein Atoms.

1947 Salt Lake City Superchargers.

1949 Nevada Einstein Atoms.

1950 Pittsburgh Ace Heroes.

1951 Pittsburgh Ace Heroes.

1952 Pittsburgh Ace Heroes.

1953 Pittsburgh Ace Heroes.

1954 Pittsburgh Ace Heroes.

1955 Seattle Dynasty.
1956 Seattle Dynasty.

1957 Mexico Giants.

1958 Mexico Giants.

1959 Los Angeles

1960 – 61 World War Three – Communist Takeover.

1962 Washingtongrad Dynamo.

1963 Washingtongrad Dynamo.

1964 – 65 Second War of Independence.

1966 New Jersey Revolutionaries.

1967 Dallas Lone Stars.

1968 Royal Toronto Maple City.

1969 Houston Howdie.

1970 Philadelphia Welsh Cakes.

1971 Carolina Roar.

1972 Carolina Roar.   

1973 Virginia Patriots.

1974 Virginia Patriots.
1975 San Diego Spartan Warriors.

1976 Hollywood Superstar Hippies.

1977 Hollywood Superstar Hippies.

1978 Nashville Country Americans.  

1979 Memphis Country Americans.

1980 Manhattan Skyscrapers.  

1981 Manhattan Skyscrapers.  

1982 Manhattan Skyscrapers.  

1983 Detroit Locomotives.

1984 Detroit Locomotives.

1985 Seattle Dynasty.

1986 Las Vegas New Crooners.

1987 Las Vegas New Crooners.

1988 Utah Pepper City.

1989 Las Vegas Gamblers.  

1990 Kennedy City Kites.

1991 Arkansas Globetrotters.

1992 - 94 War of the Robots.

1995 Silicon Valley Cyberbulls.

1996 Silicon Valley Cyberbulls.

1997 Silicon Valley Robotic Androids.

1998 Seattle Gates.

1999 War for Humans.

2000 Kansas Humans.

2001 – 02 War on Terror

2003 New York Gridiron Super Warriors.

2004 Pittsburgh Ace Heroes.

2005 Pittsburgh Ace Heroes.

2006 Seattle Dynasty.

2007 Seattle Dynasty.

2011 Paris Towers. (France)

2012 British Kings and Queens.

2013 British Kings and Queens.

2014 Hawaii Whale Surfers.

2015 Montreal Oui.

2016 Vancouver Pacific Whales.

2017 New York Regiments.

2018 Austin Conspiracy.

2019 The Old City of Angels.

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