Monday, December 16, 2019

Global Warming and Sports

Global Warming and Sports

I think we need to seriously think about the impact major international trophies have on global warming.
I have read Greta Thunberg's book, and it has really made me take seriously global warming.
It got me thinking about the serious damage that it does to  the environment, in having massive trips for sports.
I love football, rugby and other sports.
It is a great honour to have teams travelling across the globe as a fan. But global warming could kill billions and destroy species, diversity and civilisations across the planet. It could be a major extinction event up their with the wipe out of the dinosaurs 67 million years ago.

So what steps should pro sports take to cut down on it's carbon footprint?
1. Regionalise the European Football draws. So that the Champions League and Europa League are divided into four regions, North West, North East, South West and South East. Then have only the later rounds involving the pan European draw.
2. Do not have World Leagues in sport.
Be that rugby, football, cricket, baseball, basketball. Keep to smaller regions.
3. Hold sports events in areas that already have the stadiums, and do not need to build new stadiums, arenas, and other high carbon footprint systems.
4. Make motor racing use electric cars and motorbikes rather than Carbon costly systems,.
5. Stop European soccer sides travelling to Australia, Asia, or North America for friendly tours.
6. Do not play American sports franchises in Europe.
7. Decrease the size of the Olympics, World Cup and European Championships.
8. Do not have  a European Soccer League.
9. Do not have a Cricket World League.
10. Do not have boxing matches on different continents to where the participants are from.

If we do not change our ways, there will not be major sports leagues because the countries will have been destroyed.

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