Friday, September 16, 2022

Scottish Premiership And Welsh Sides In English FA Trophy

Scottish Premiership And Welsh Sides In English FA Trophy.

I think that the English FA Trophy. The trophy for English non-league sides should be expanded to include all Scottish Premiership sides that have not qualified, for Europe. Plus all Scottish Championship sides. Plus all Welsh Cymru Premier sides.

I think that the Scottish sides would add to the trophy. The English National League is of such a high standard financially and quality wise, that I think they would be a great challenge for Scottish Premiership sides.

I would love to see my fave sides playing decent English sides.

Plus the Scottish sides would get the chance to reach a Wembley final.
The Welsh sides would benefit massively from playing sides in the FA Trophy. They would be helped financially and development wise.

It could be transformational for Welsh sides to play against leading Scottish and English sides.

The Scottish have been allowed Northern Irish and Welsh sides in the Sottish Challenge Cup.
I support keeping our own leagues, and European football. But also having cross border cups on top.

For instance I would also love all Scottish Premiership sides not in Europe and selected Welsh Cymru Premier sides in the Football League Trophy also.

I think a British league would be a logistical nightmare for some Scottish clubs. But keeping it to half a dozen trips over the border each season would be easily handled.

Imagine games like Wrexham v Dundee United, The New Saints v Aberdeen, Dorking Wanderers v St Mirren, Hibernian v York City.

I do not think half a dozen trips to Scotland or vice versa would be too much for this level of side. 20 times a season would be a tough. But 5 or 6 trips a season would take little effort. It would be like European football.

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