Saturday, September 10, 2022

Is Football Scotland's Unrequited Love?

We love football more than any other sport. 

We beg for our teams to win, for our country to produce great players and international sides.

We have had some success qualifying in the past for World Cups, and European Championships.

We have hosted European finals. 

Aberdeen, Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers have all won European trophies.

We have punched above our weight at times.

Our club sides have defeated great club sides like Real Madrid, Barcelona, AC Milan, Bayern Munich, B Dortmund, Inter Milan, Juventus, Lazio, Roma, Lyon, Sevilla, Celta Vigo, Ajax, PSV, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Porto, Sporting Lisbon, Benfica and many others.   

Yet we should have richer teams, and TV deals.

We should have qualified for the later stages of the World Cup.

In some ways we have done well, while at the World Cups we have underperformed, 

But it would be churlish to say we have been given nothing by football, 

We have beaten great sides, won club trophies, produced some some great players like Kenny Dalglish and Denis Law, 

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