Saturday, September 10, 2022

Poem - From The Light Further And Further.

Poem - From The Light  Further And Further. 

I look at a candle lit up. 

All that I see is my shadow and the moth. 

I take a step back. 

Now I see my house lit up by lightbulbs, 

And in that house is my family.

I take a step back. 

Now I see my street. 

And in that street are a hundred houses all lit up by lightbulbs and street lights with hundreds of people. 

Now I take another step back. 

Now I see my city lit up by millions of lights. 

And in that city is a million people living busy lives. or resting 

Now I take another step back,

I see form the sky my country lit by up countless lights, candles and street lights 

Now I take a step back and see my continent lit by countless lights, 

Now I take another step back 

And I see the Planet Earth, lit up by an infinity of lights.

Now  I take a step back and see The Solar System, lit by the Sun, shining on huge planets. 

Now I take a step back. 

I see my Galaxy. 

Countless stars light up like diamonds in the darkness. 

Now I take a step back. 

And see an ocean of galaxies, lit by the Universe's quill.

Or if you are religious by God's quill.

The light from my candle seems the most powerful of all. 

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