Monday, July 11, 2022

Put More Lowland And Highland League Sides in Scottish League Cup

I Think They Should Put More Lowland And Highland League Sides In The Scottish League Cup.

Already there are a few sides from the Highland League and Lowland League, entering the trophy this season. But I would love to see a few more Highland League and Lowland League sides join at the group stages. 

It adds to the history of the trophy. It adds a highlight to the season to the Lowland and Highland League sides. They often get to play Scottish Premiership sides. Which is a massive draw for the fans of the Lowland and Highland League sides, when they enter the trophy. 

It adds to the appeal and audience of the trophy. It is a good way of keeping more Scottish sides connected to top level Scottish soccer.

I love to see Highland League sides like Buckie Thistle in the trophy. 

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