Sunday, July 3, 2022

Commercial Signings By Scottish Football Clubs

Commercial Signings By Scottish Football Clubs.

Is it a good idea for Scottish clubs to buy football players just to increase their attendances, TV revenue, and sponsorship revenue?

Does it make sense to buy a or sign a player just because he will attract viewers from another country?

Lots of clubs all over the planet Earth buy players just to boost commercial revenue. 

I enjoy it when clubs do this. It is fun. 

But where does it stop?

Would a club buy a player just because they were talented in another sport, or the entertainment industry? 

Would clubs give a place in their football teams to a singer, dancer, actor just because they were famous? 

The fans would normally not want this to happen. They would want to see the best team their side can pick. Not just signing players because they are famous celebrities. 

Some clubs might just buy or sign a player just because it might boost merchandise, marketing, attendance or TV revenue from another country. 

Some might look to a big market like China, India, the USA. Some clubs might sign players who would boost their revenue in other countries. 

;Perhaps a team could sign a celebrity and play them in their B or reserve side in a game. 

Perhaps a side might sign a player to boost revenue so they can then sign better players? 

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