Friday, April 23, 2021

I Do Not Support A UK Soccer - Football League

 I Do Not Support A United Kingdom Soccer - Football League.

Here are the reasons why I do not support merging the Scottish, Welsh, English and Northern Irish Leagues, 

1. Scotland needs to have it's own league as a matter of national identity. 

2, Also all the trophies that the Scottish sides have won domestically, would be given the status of non-league trophies. While all the trophies won in the English system would be seen as the forerunner of the UK trophies. 

3. Some Scottish teams would be travelling nearly 1000 miles a week up to 20 times a season.

4. Big Scottish clubs might go decades without qualifying for Europe. 

5. Even big Scottish clubs would go decades without winning trophies,.  

6. Scottish clubs could struggle to attract players due to the travel, and being in lower divisions. 

7. The Scottish national side might be stopped. This would be disaster for the Scottish national identity. 

8. Some clubs might go decades without have a derby game. As their derby rivals might be in other divisions. 

9. The novelty of playing English sides would wear thin when happening 40 times a season. 

10. People would think Scotland was part of England.

11. Some big Scottish clubs might go decades playing in the non-league system.  

12. It is humiliating that Scottish sides would have to start in the lower tiers. How is that a fair merger? Why should Scottish clubs not start in the top tier if it is a fair equal merger?

I am not anti-English. But Scotland is a nation.  -

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