Saturday, June 27, 2020

Multi Sports Clubs in Great Britain

Multi Sports Clubs in Great Britain
I think that football clubs in Scotland, England, and Wales should have multi-sports team organisations.
In Greece, and Spain, there are sports clubs that run football and basketball sides.
For instance Real Madrid have a football and a basketball side.
So for instance an Aberdeen, Celtic, or Rangers as well as having men's and women's teams in football. They could also have sides attached to their sporting organisations that take part in shinty, rugby union, rugby league, cricket, golf, curling, tennis, water polo, netball, basketball, baseball, snooker, athletics, darts, and computer game sports.
This would be fun in terms of broadening the appeal of the sports clubs. It would also allow to club sides to learn cross over skills in terms of management, structure, coaching and player development.
Imagine and Inverness CT or Aberdeen FC running basketball or shinty sides.

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