Thursday, June 11, 2020

Celtic And Rangers Combined Eleven Versus Rest Of Scotland

Celtic And Rangers Combined Eleven Versus Rest Of Scotland.

What about a selection of the best players for Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers play a rest of Scotland team, for a charity match at football?

That would help unite Celtic and Rangers fan a little bit.  

It would also be a good challenge for Scottish players, to play the best Celtic and Rangers players.

The problem is that Celtic and Rangers might not want to play their players in more than one extra  game each year. As that would add to fixture congestion.

It could be done at under 21 level. With the combined Glasgow Celtic and Glasgow Rangers under 21 side, versus a rest of Scotland under 21 side.

This would help develop young players, and might get good attendances.

It would be a high standard of football.

This could be televised and get good ratings.

It could be played at Hampden, or at s smaller stadium.

It could be a fun idea. It would be an innovative idea.

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