Thursday, June 11, 2020

Androids And Robots As Football Managers And Players.

Androids And Robots As Football Managers And Players.

Here is a science fiction football question.

When will robots and computers be allowed to manage or player for football teams?

Surely within a century a powerful Artificial intelligence robot or computer will do a better job of managing Scottish football teams that humans.

Will Celtic, or Rangers, Aberdeen, Dundee United, or Hibernian sign a computer for 2 million pounds a year to manage the team?

Will robots become so advanced that robots design the next generation of computers to manage football teams?

Will robots start playing for Scottish teams, in a few generations Will the authorities ban teams from managing their team via computer or playing androids in their teams?

Will there be scandals where a team secretly uses androids in their football side, to play or manage the side?

Will a top Scottish League side win the league only for people to find out they were playing androids in their starting line up.

Real Humans boosted by AI chips. Human AI enhancement.

I suppose AI could be a real issue. What if real humans have microchips planted in their heads to give them better skill sets, and better game management, causing them to win the trophies?

Will a team win a World Cup while their players were secretly implanted with microchips, which made them better players?

Will the authorities have to act with 100 years to manage the threat of artificial intelligence, in players and managers.

Will ordinary people have these microchips and computer machine enhancement, that causes the football authorities to be forced to allow microchips and AI in football players and managers?

Perhaps some teams will allow AI enhancement and some will not?

Perhaps at first it will like the difference between amateur and professional football.

Perhaps the best AI team will play the best non AI side at the end of season?

Obviously the AI team would win.  
Simple changes like putting tiny earphones in players ears so someone can advise them during games in game management, and next moves to make. That would be cheating. 

It could happen in other sports such as shinty, rugby, cricket, tennis, golf, hurling, Gaelic football, American football, baseball, basketball, hockey, ice hockey, curling, bowls, swimming, gymnastics, Australians rules football, ten pin bowling, darts, snooker, athletics, and motor racing.

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