Saturday, April 18, 2020

My Scottish League Reconstruction Plan 2020

Here is my league reconstruction idea for Scottish football, at the end of the 2019 – 20 season, to start the 2020-21 season. 

Stop relegation from the Premier for one season, and promote the top two Championship sides to the Premier.

How about this?

A 14 team Premier.

20 Team Championship. 

14 team, League One North. 

14 team League One South.

In the 14 team divisions the teams play each other twice, then the league splits into the two groups of seven, the top seven, and the bottom seven, with each team playing each side in their section twice again.

That equals 62 teams in the league system. 

That would mean having to invite 20 extra teams into the league. 

Inviting in B teams into the League. 

In the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Germany, and France, big sides can play youth or reserve sides in the lower divisions so that young players can get early experience of competitive grown up football. 

I would invite in the under 23 year old sides of every Scottish Premier side so that young players can get developed at a good level and become international players. This is about Scotland producing the more top players, by giving young players more chances.  

Other 6 teams.

I would promote the top teams of the Lowland and Highland League into the League. That means inviting in another 4 teams these would be voted in dependent on applying to join the league by vote.

This would increase the quality of the league.  Regionalise the lower divisions so that travel is easier for the smaller sides. And there would be a pyramid system where teams can be promoted to and from the Lowland and Highland Leagues.

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