Friday, April 24, 2020

A player draft would not work in Scottish Football

A player draft would not work in Scottish Football
In USA sports they have a draft where the worst positioned teams gets to have first pick to select young players to play for their side. This ensures that the worst teams will get better, by getting the best players.
But this would not work in Scottish football, because the problem is that some teams would not be able to afford top young players at their side.
Also I think it should be a right for a young player to decide for themselves based on the best advice to decide which team they should go to.
If that means Rangers or Celtic get the best young players, that is OK. If they have the best record at developing players, they should get the rewards for that.

The way to ensure that the top Scottish teams are good at developing young players  is to sallow them to have B and C sides in the lower leagues, so that young players can get lots of experience of competitive football at a young age.
This is done, in many European countries such as Croatia, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands. Who all have a good record at producing young players.

I want a system which produces good Scottish players, for the international side.

In the USA they claim the player draft system, ensures the leagues are competitive, in the way that the best teams do not get the best players all the time.
But I think players should decide which clubs they go to.

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