Tuesday, March 3, 2020

How about a Soccer Match Challenge Trophy for Scottish Football?

How about a new Scottish football trophy that is held and competed for in every linear game played? My idea would be to have a trophy where at the start of the season the reigning League champions are given a challenge trophy. And who ever beats them takes over the trophy. Then who ever beats that team in any game, in the league, or cup, takes the trophy. And the trophy is held in succession who ever beats the holder of the trophy takes the trophy.
This goes on until the end of the season, where the reigning champions are declared winner of this Soccer Match Challenge Trophy.
If a game is drawn, then the trophy stays with the holder of the trophy. Only Scottish League and Cup matches would count for this trophy.
It is like the Unofficial Football World Cup, or World Boxing titles, where any team who beats the reigning trophy holder takes over as champion.
I think this would be fun. It would be a way of adding interest to games at the end of the season. It would also add to spice of some games. I would count an extra time, or penalty shootout win, as a win.
In the Unofficial Football World Cup, Scotland have a good record an have led the list of teams for most of football history.-

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