Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Scottish Team With An Indoor Stadium At Soccer Or Rugby-

I would love it if a Scottish soccer side had an indoor soccer stadium. I do not mean one of those massive 80,000 capacity domes. I mean maybe at most 20,000, or even down to 6,000.
Where full sized 11 a-side games were played.
It would be fun to have an indoor soccer stadium in Scottish football. It would be an intense atmosphere because when the ground was full. The noise would be trapped in the stadium. It would also be good for when it snows, or rains, as the ground would be covered.
They have loads of indoor stadiums in the USA, and Canada. The Welsh have the Millennium Stadium.
The only problem would be what sort of pitch would there need to be. Would it be a grass pitch or an artificial pitch? It would probably need to be artificial which would be unpopular.

But I still think it would be a useful novelty in Scottish football and would be good for times when it was snowing, or raining. Teams could train on the pitch and indoor concerts could be held on the pitch.
It could even be used for rugby games, or other sports.
Ajax have an indoor stadium too.

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