Sunday, March 1, 2020

B International British And Irish Nations Trophy

B International British And Irish Nations Trophy.

I think a good idea for Scotland, Wales, The Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and England would be too have a B international trophy. This would be a knockout cup, where the teams play B internationals against each other. I think this would get decent crowds, and would help to blood young players into international football.
B Internationals are when teams play second string teams, to develop young players.

I think that the Scots, Irish and Welsh would get massive crowds when playing England, even when it is just B international level.
Also people will say that there are too many games now. But surely you would not play the players who are playing too many games. These games could help to give game time to players struggling to get into their first team, or approaching first team level. So the Scottish, Irish, Welsh and English young players would get more competitive football at a intense level of football.
The trophy could be everyone playing each other once, or a cup trophy. Perhaps the Celtic teams play off to decide who play the English B Side?

I think the English B team get good crowds, so this would be good for the English.
Celtic sides love playing England, so every game would be intense and not just a friendly for the English.
Some in England might argue England would be better off playing continental style sides, but I disagree. Such games would not be intense, or a strong rivalry. So the games wo0uld be just like playing a training match. While the Celts are always up for a game against the English due to the history. Plus travel would not be a serious issue for the teams. So it would not hurt logistics costs.
As a Scottish football fan, I would love Scotland's B team to play the England B Side.
It would be fun.

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