Tuesday, March 3, 2020

A Scottish Team With An Indoor Stadium At Soccer Or Rugby-

I would love it if a Scottish soccer side had an indoor soccer stadium. I do not mean one of those massive 80,000 capacity domes. I mean maybe at most 20,000, or even down to 6,000.
Where full sized 11 a-side games were played.
It would be fun to have an indoor soccer stadium in Scottish football. It would be an intense atmosphere because when the ground was full. The noise would be trapped in the stadium. It would also be good for when it snows, or rains, as the ground would be covered.
They have loads of indoor stadiums in the USA, and Canada. The Welsh have the Millennium Stadium.
The only problem would be what sort of pitch would there need to be. Would it be a grass pitch or an artificial pitch? It would probably need to be artificial which would be unpopular.

But I still think it would be a useful novelty in Scottish football and would be good for times when it was snowing, or raining. Teams could train on the pitch and indoor concerts could be held on the pitch.
It could even be used for rugby games, or other sports.
Ajax have an indoor stadium too.

KT Tunstall - Little Red Thread - Matthew Sheeran Remix

Song by great Scottish music star KT Tunstall.

KT Tunstall - Little Red Thread - Matthew Sheeran Remix

How about a Soccer Match Challenge Trophy for Scottish Football?

How about a new Scottish football trophy that is held and competed for in every linear game played? My idea would be to have a trophy where at the start of the season the reigning League champions are given a challenge trophy. And who ever beats them takes over the trophy. Then who ever beats that team in any game, in the league, or cup, takes the trophy. And the trophy is held in succession who ever beats the holder of the trophy takes the trophy.
This goes on until the end of the season, where the reigning champions are declared winner of this Soccer Match Challenge Trophy.
If a game is drawn, then the trophy stays with the holder of the trophy. Only Scottish League and Cup matches would count for this trophy.
It is like the Unofficial Football World Cup, or World Boxing titles, where any team who beats the reigning trophy holder takes over as champion.
I think this would be fun. It would be a way of adding interest to games at the end of the season. It would also add to spice of some games. I would count an extra time, or penalty shootout win, as a win.
In the Unofficial Football World Cup, Scotland have a good record an have led the list of teams for most of football history.-

Franz Ferdinand - Always Ascending (Cassius Remix)

Here is a Franz Ferdinand tune.

Monday, March 2, 2020

Scottish Football - Less League, More Cross Border Cup Games.

The Scottish League is very strong. But my view on how to improve the system in Scottish football, would be to have less league games, and more cross border games with club teams from other countries. 

I  say have a 14 team top division, with teams playing each other twice a season. 

This creates a 26 game season. 

Then this opens up over 12 games removed from the calendar so that more trophies can be added to the roster that Scottish teams play. 
My view is that Celtic and Rangers should stay in the Scottish League, but that we should have more cross border cups games added onto the domestic league, Scottish Cup, League Cup, and European games we already play. 

By reducing the number of games we play in the league, we would open the system, so that we could play cross border games against teams from the other countries of the British and Irish Isles, or from mainland Europe. 

We could have cross border cups with the English club sides, or Welsh club sides. And even the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. 

If they do not want to play Scottish sides, then we could have cross border cups with other countries across Europe, such as the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Poland, Switzerland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Portugal, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Croatia, Greece, or even Russia. 

We would have to play teams that took our new trophy seriously. The trophy would be on top of European football. 

Obviously the trophy would need to be taken seriously by the respective countries involved. 

The reason I would like a new cross border trophy is to give Scottish sides the chance to have an impact outside of Scotland. We would be strong in such trophies. It could also allow Scottish sides to grow, to better in European level trophies. Also it spices up the season in playing international rivalries on top of local derbies and rivalries.
Thanks for reading this post. 

Grimes - Genesis

A classic tune and song by Grimes, the genius.

How many teams should be in the top division of the Scottish Soccer League?

We have had 10, 12, 16, 18 and 20 teams in the top Scottish division of football over the years. 
The argument for a 10, or 12 team division is that then Celtic and Rangers can play each other four times a season and get higher tv views, and get more money for Scottish football. But the other side of the coin is that by having 20 teams in the top division we can get more teams playing the elite sides and developing their players. Also it becomes more difficult for the big Scottish sides to be relegated. So you do not end up with Aberdeen, Hearts, Hibs, Motherwell, Dundee or Dundee United playing in the second tier. 

But for me. I take another view. I would prefer to have a 14 team league with teams playing each only 2 times a season, resulting in a 26 game season. This could massively open up the calendar for teams to play other trophies against teams from the rest of the UK, in cross border cups, or teams from mainland Europe. 
I would love all top tier Scottish sides to play in an extra cross border trophy, on top of domestic league, domestic cup, and European football. So this would spice up the season for Scottish sides. Imagine Scottish sides playing regularly against good English sides, without giving up their own leagues. 

Let me reiterate I do not want to have the Scottish sides join the English League. And I do not want a league merger of the British Leagues. I want to keep our own leagues and cups, and big sides, but play extra cross border trophies on top of what we already have. 

I would love to have 1 14 team Scottish league with 26 league games a season. Added onto that some sort of cross Great Britain trophy, on top of what we already have. 

This would really help Scottish soccer without destroying our football independence. 

Christine and the Queens - Chaleur Humaine Live @ France Inter

This is one of my fave Christine and the Queens songs. It is in French.

A really cool and profound song.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

B International British And Irish Nations Trophy

B International British And Irish Nations Trophy.

I think a good idea for Scotland, Wales, The Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, and England would be too have a B international trophy. This would be a knockout cup, where the teams play B internationals against each other. I think this would get decent crowds, and would help to blood young players into international football.
B Internationals are when teams play second string teams, to develop young players.

I think that the Scots, Irish and Welsh would get massive crowds when playing England, even when it is just B international level.
Also people will say that there are too many games now. But surely you would not play the players who are playing too many games. These games could help to give game time to players struggling to get into their first team, or approaching first team level. So the Scottish, Irish, Welsh and English young players would get more competitive football at a intense level of football.
The trophy could be everyone playing each other once, or a cup trophy. Perhaps the Celtic teams play off to decide who play the English B Side?

I think the English B team get good crowds, so this would be good for the English.
Celtic sides love playing England, so every game would be intense and not just a friendly for the English.
Some in England might argue England would be better off playing continental style sides, but I disagree. Such games would not be intense, or a strong rivalry. So the games wo0uld be just like playing a training match. While the Celts are always up for a game against the English due to the history. Plus travel would not be a serious issue for the teams. So it would not hurt logistics costs.
As a Scottish football fan, I would love Scotland's B team to play the England B Side.
It would be fun.

The Scots called their top division Premier first.

Scotland called their top division the Premier before the English did.
We always here people talk about the English Premier League as the 'Premier League.' But surely as Scotland called their top division, the Premier, before English football did. When people refer to the Premier, they should be referring to the Scottish Premier.
I once got into an argument with a rude person who insulted me for calling the English Premier League the English Premier League, rather than the Premier League. The guy was deeply unreasonable and rude to me, with various insults.
He suggested that as the Spanish call their league La Liga, and the Germans call their League the Bundesliga, that we should always refer to the English Premier League as the Premier League. And that I was in the wrong. But I think that is unfair.
Why should people not living in England refer to the English Premier as '
The Premier League?'
The fact is Scotland, Northern Ireland,. the Republic of Ireland, and Wales all call their top divisions the Premier.
If you live in Scotland, or Wales, or Ireland and you use the term Premier in terms of football, you should have every right to be taken to as referring to your own nation's Premier.
Why should people living, in Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, who have their own Premiers in their own countries, have to be taken to be referring to the English Premier League when using the term 'Premier' on it's own?

I have no problem with English people at all. I think bigotry towards the English is wrong. And I have no problem with people in England referring to the their top league as the Premier. But why should people outside of England be expected to be talking about the EPL (English Premier League), when using the term Premier, Premiership, Premier Divisions or Premier League in football?

There is even a entire range of sports where the top trophy, or league is called the Premier.
In cricket, the term Premier League is used in Inia, and other countries such as England and Wales. There are Premier League or divisions or cups in darts, basketball, rugby union, and snooker.
There are an entire legion of leagues called the Premier in football such as Russia, Egypt, and Israel.

So why should the Premier League in all these countries be seen to be referring to the English Premier League of soccer?

Thank for reading my post.

Pictish Trail - 'After Life' (Official Video)

This is more music by Pictish Trail. The Scottish music star.

The Pictish Trail - Long In The Tooth

This is a video by a Scottish music star.

Grimes - We Appreciate Power (Lyric Video)

Another classic song, by Grimes. A genius musician.

British Sports Stars to win Male World Cups as Captain in Global Team Sports

British Sports Stars to win Male World Cups at Rugby, Curling, Ice Hockey, Hockey, Baseball, Basketball, Football, Volleyball, or Cricket as Captain, or Skip, in these global team sports.

The first British person to win an official World Cup at rugby, was Dave Valentine, a Scot in 1954.So Scotland had the first captain to win an official international team World Cup in rugby.
I will now list the British sports captains to have won the World Cup in these major sports of Rugby, Cricket, Ice Hockey, Curling, Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Volleyball, and Football.

1936 Great Britain Ice Hockey Team. Captain Carl Erhardt. Born in Beckenham, England.
1938 Great Britain Baseball Team. Player Manager George 'Chummy' McNeil. Born in Nova Scotia, Canada.
1954 Great Britain Rugby League Team. Captain Dave Valentine. Born in Hawick, Scotland.
1960 Great Britain Rugby League Team. Captain Eric Ashton. Born in St Helens, England.
1966 England Football Team. Captain Bobby Moore. Born in Barking, England.
1967 Scotland Curling Team. Skip Chuck Hay. Born in ????
1972 Great Britain Rugby League Team. Captain Clive Sullivan. Born in Cardiff, Wales.
1991 Scotland Curling Team. Skip David Smith. Born in ???
1993 England Rugby Sevens Team. Captain Andrew Harriman. Born in Lagos, Nigeria.
1999 Scotland Curling Team. Skip Hammy McMillan. Born in Stranraer, Scotland.
2003 England Rugby Union Team. Captain Martin Johnson. Born in Solihull, England.
2006 Scotland Curling Team. Skip David Murdoch. Born in Dumfries, Scotland.
2009 Wales Rugby Sevens Team. Captain Lee Beach. Born in Maerdy, Wales.
2009 Scotland Curling Team. Skip David Murdoch. Born in Dumfries, Scotland.
2010 England and Wales T20 Cricket Team. Captain Paul Collingwood. Born in Shotley Bridge, England.
2019 England and Wales One Day Cricket Team. Captain Eoin Morgan. Born in Dublin, Republic of Ireland.

No British team has won the Basketball, Hockey, or Volleyball World Cups.
In baseball it seems teams do not tend to have captains. So I chose the player manager to represent the role of captain. McNeil also played Ice Hockey to a high standard, and was just 24 when he won the Baseball World Cup.
Obviously, in reference to the Cricket World Cup win, the Republic of Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But this is listing the British teams who won the World Cups at these sports and where their captains were born.
I could not find the birthplace of two of the Skips, for the Scotland Curling team world champions. I assume they were born in Scotland. But as we see it is not always the case, that someone who captains a team at international sports, was born in the country they represent.
So far up this point. Five were born in England. Atleast Four born in Scotland. two were born in Wales, one was born in Canada, one was born in Nigeria, and one was born in the Republic of Ireland.
That is quite a list.

Grimes - Flesh without Blood/Life in the Vivid Dream

This is another super cool song, by Canadian genius Grimes.

Grimes - Oblivion

This is my fave Grimes song. The video is amusing. She seems very young in this video. So she is talented to have come up with such a good song. She is super talented.

Grimes - REALiTi

I am a big fan of Grimes. She is a young Canadian female singer. She is very popular on the internet. She is clever, articulate and talented.