Friday, December 2, 2022

Bring Back The Coronation Cup For 2023

Bring Back The Coronation Cup For 2023.

The last time a British Monarch was given a Coronation was for Elizabeth II on the 2nd of June 1953.

The next Coronation will be for Charles III apparently on the 6th of May 2023.

The Coronation Cup was a soccer tournament to mark the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth the Second, between 4 English and 4 Scottish clubs, held in the Scottish city of Glasgow in May 1953.

Glasgow Celtic won the important trophy against Hibernian in the final.

My idea is to bring this trophy back this time, with six Scottish clubs, six English clubs, four Welsh clubs, four Northern Irish clubs, a club from the Isle of Man, a club from Cornwall, and perhaps football clubs from Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 

The trophy could be held in Glasgow, or London, or Cardiff. 

It would be a good way to mark the Coronation of King Charles the Third.

I know many people are republicans or monarchists, but this is not a political trophy, it is a football trophy.

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