Friday, April 15, 2022

Will Someone Ever Buy A Scottish Title? - Male Football.

Will Someone Ever Buy A Scottish Title? - Male Football. 

It has happened in most other countries in male football. Where a rich business person comes to a club and gives them so much money that they buy the league title, with purchasing great players, managers and youth systems. 

In loads of other European countries different teams have bought league titles due to the backing of a major financer. 

Yes this does not seem to have happened in Scotland.

Clubs like Aberdeen, Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers, Dundee United,. Third Lanark, Dumbarton, Motherwell, Dundee. Hearts, Hibs, and Kilmarnock have won the title. 

Yet nobody seems to have taken a tiny club and bought them the league title from out of just financial backing from a rich tycoon. 

It would be cool for Scottish football, if someone brought a small Scottish club from the lower divisions and financed them to a title. 

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