Friday, April 15, 2022

I Think The Inter-Cities Fairs Cup Should Be Given Official UEFA Status

 I Think The Inter-Cities Fairs Cup Should Be Given Official UEFA Status.

Although no Scottish sides won the trophy. I still think it should be given official historical status by UEFA.

It was a serious trophy and forerunner to the UEFA Cup. Lots of interesting results happened in the trophy.

But many people do not regard it as an official UEFA level trophy.

I think it should have the same ranking as the European Cup Winners Cup, Europa League, Europa Conference League and Super Cup. 

I think UEFA should give the trophy historical status as an official UEFA trophy.

Scottish sides had some great individual wins in the early rounds of the trophy,

I think all the results in the knockout stages should be regarded as official in the same as in official UEFA trophies.

So the famous knockout round wins by Hibernian, Dundee United and Dunfermline Athleticwould  have official status. 

At present the trophy does not have the status of major honour in some historical records. I think it should. 

Just as Scotland recently raised some previous matches they played in the sixties as official games. 

Some Scottish games against Australia and other countries were promoted to the status of official Scottish international matches. So some internationals were given caps.  

I also think FIFA should regard some of the World Club Cup matches played between English and Scottish sides in the 19th Century, as official World Club Cup matches. 
I also think the first Super Cup match played between Rangers and Ajax in the seventies, should be given official UEFA status. 

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