Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Cross Border Celtic Club Cup.

I support a Celtic Nations Club Cup Idea For Soccer. As I have said elsewhere on this blog. 

My idea is for Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Cornwall, the Isle of Man, and Brittany to have a cross border football club cup of top sides, including all the Scottish Premiership sides. -

Imagine club teams like Aberdeen, Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers,. Hibs, Heart of Midlothian, Motherwell and Dundee Utd getting to play top club sides from the other Celtic nations. 

This would be on top of domestic and European football. So Scottish teams would still play in the Scottish soccer leagues, and Scottish Cups. 

Travel would be no tougher than the trips professional sports sides do in the USA, Canada, Australia, Russia, Poland, China, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Mexico, and Argentina. 

I would love more cross border games for clubs from the Scottish Premiership guaranteed each year, against sides from other Celtic nations. 

I love the intensity of cross border games. Your team are playing for local and national pride. So the games have high pressure and meaning. 

Thank You. 

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