Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Football History

Football history is interesting to me. 

I love to see how Scottish clubs have performed in trophies. 

I love to study how my favourite sides have performed in Scottish trophies. I love to see who have won the most trophies and cups. Who have had good results in their history. 

I also particularly like to focus on how well Scottish sides have done in cross border trophies. I love to see how well Scottish sides have done in Europe, or in other cross border trophies. 

That is why I am a massive fan of more cross border trophies for Scotland. 

I love to see how well the international side and club sides have performed against non-Scottish sides. 

I love to see Scotland and Scottish clubs perform well in cross border trophies. 

For me football history is what football is all about. A record of how well teams have done. 

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