Friday, December 4, 2020

Football at altitude or different climatic conditions.

Football at altitude or different climatic conditions. 

Many teams struggle to play against teams in high altitudes in sport. 

So should a team take advantage of this and build a stadium on a floating airship?

Imagine it!

Loads of teams struggle against international or club sides when trying to acclimatise to the conditions. So how about a team take advantage of this. Train their players at incredibly high altitudes and low temperatures. Then no foreign side could adapt to their new climatic conditions, and would lose. 

In football loads of teams have blamed failure to adapt to climate or altitude for losing. So could a team go to extreme and use human made weather conditions to make it even more difficult to adapt to the conditions?

Could teams use weather changing technology to alter the weather on a day of a match?

I doubt that many teams would do that. 

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