Thursday, October 1, 2020

Celtic and Rangers should stay in the Scottish League

 Celtic and Rangers should stay in the Scottish League.

I disagree with people who say the big Scottish sides should leave the Scottish League. 

The Scottish League would end up a part time league. Attendances, sponsorship and TV rights would collapse. Our teams in Europe, would be beaten by part time teams every season.

We need the strongest Scottish sides to stay in the Scottish League, to make the Scottish League stronger. 

We need to have ideas to make the Scottish League a stronger league that can attract top players, tv revenue, sponsorship and attendances. Getting rid of the best supported sides would utterly humiliate and destroy the status of the Scottish League. It would destroy the status of the Scottish League. 

Celtic and Rangers could go decades without winning trophies in a bigger league. 

So they would collapse as clubs too. 

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