Sunday, June 2, 2024

Deliberately Rubbish Sports Team Or Individual Idea


Deliberately Rubbish Sports Team Or Individual Idea

How about a deliberately rubbish sports team or competitor that deliberately loses matches by record scores, and in crushing ways for the fans? So the team could be winning 3-0 then deliberately lose four goals in the last few minutes. Or lose by more than the 36-0 win by Arbroath against Bon Accord.

This could be a team or individual to be given special laws from authorities of rules against match fixing. So the competitor is allowed for entertainment to lose all the time.

They could be a reverse Harlem Globetrotters. So instead of amazing displays of skill and technique, they instead have displays of low sports ability.   

This could be done at lots of sports such as soccer, American football, golf, tennis, badminton, basketball, baseball, ice hockey, hockey, wrestling, martial arts, boxing, darts, snooker, rugby union, rugby league, cricket, motor racing, shinty, Gaelic sports, Aussie rules football, volleyball, field hockey, polo, water polo, racing, athletics, swimming, cycling, computer game sports, or other sports.

It also gets me  thinking. What is the worst most devastating defeat in the histories of sports? Either for a team being defeated by a massive amount, or of losing at a devastating way. Like being on the wrong side of a comeback, or losing a vital match, to a rival, that they needed to win.

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