Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Arabian Soccer Leagues As Football Superpowers?

Will The Arabian Soccer Leagues Become Football Superpowers?

Middle-Eastern leagues in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE. 

With players like Ronaldo and Benzema moving to Saudi Arabia, will this represent an effort by Saudi Arabia to turn their league into one of the major global leagues?

At present the big European soccer / football leagues get the media and global TV soccer audience.

The big European clubs have massive supports, in Europe, America, Africa and Asia.

But will the Saudis and other Arabian powers, tempt non-European, and even some European audiences to watch the major Arabian leagues?

Leagues like Qatar, UAE, and Saudi Arabia could grow to be superpowers, with limitiless financial backing.  

The star players like Ronaldo and Benzema could tempt global audiences to watch the Saudi league.

In the past and present the rich Arabian owners have bought up massive Western European sides to develop World beating soccer sides.

But will the Saudis and other Arabian nations take the option of building their own super leagues and super clubs in their own country.  That they will have control over.

It should only cost a few billion euros or dollars to build super clubs in Arabia, that challenge the major European club sides.

No different to building clubs in the major Western European nations.

Will clubs like Al Ittihad and Al Nassr become global superpowers in world football like Real Madrid, PSG, and Barcelona?

The Arabian trillionaires may decide it makes more long-term sense to develop their own Qatar, Saudi Arabian, and UAE leagues into the global superpowers of World football.

Perhaps Arabian sides will win lots of World Club Championships and attract the best Brazilian, Argentinian, and European players? Maybe Arabia will become the hotbed of World soccer?


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