Saturday, January 14, 2023

Winning Trophies Is Not The Only Thing In Football / Soccer.


Winning Trophies Is Not The Only Thing In Football / Soccer.

I have noticed loads of pundits and fans who criticise leagues or managers with the philosophy that all that matters is how many trophies you have won.

1)      So they say the Scottish League is bad because only Celtic and Rangers tend to win it.

2)      They criticise a club or international manager who takes his or her team to second place in a domestic or European or international trophy.

My answer to both these points would be that winning trophies is not all that counts.

In the Scottish League there is domestic cups, European performances, derbies, upsets, finishing high up the league, promotion, relegation, avoiding relegation, developing players, signing big name players, the style of play of the side, the stadiums, the chants, the songs, the history.

It is nonsense to write off the Scottish football just because it is normally just Glasgow Celtic or Glasgow Rangers who win the league.  

For instance there are other leagues where a big club has never won the league or a trophy for decades, but that does not make them pointless. And if you look at business, or art, or science or work in general, nobody would claim that that being second or even 10,000th best is irrelevant.

In business would you say only Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Andrew Carnegie count? Because only people who have been the world’s wealthiest person are the one that count. Would you say that it is not important for people who run small shops, market stalls, or even bigger businesses that are a success?

I rate anyone who runs a small shop, or business.   

I know of one business-person who became a football pundit who ran a perfectly successful business career. He said that being second did not matter in football. Well imagine if someone said that in business, that all that matters is who was the wealthiest person? That would be seen as nonsense.

In art, science, business, academia. Being second frankly even being 1 millionth on the list of best at the particular field would still be an honour.

If you were the 7th richest person in the world, that would still be an achievement, if you built that wealth yourself. So why is it in football if you are the seventh best team, that is written off as meaningless by some pundits.

I think it matters how a big a club or country you are;

There are some clubs for who finishing 2nd or even 5th is as big an achievement as a bigger team winning the league or World Cup.


So I end this post by saying it does matter how many second places, upsets, great season and players your club has developed matters. Because football is not just about who wins the trophies, you have take into account the scale of the club or country. You have to take into account who they were playing and what they have done in the past. So there are teams who have done well and should be admired even if they have not won the trophies.  

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