Thursday, May 26, 2022

I Hope Celtic. Hearts And Rangers Can Play B Sides In Lowland League.

I Hope Celtic. Hearts And Rangers Can Play B Sides In Scottish Lowland League.

There are proposals for Glasgow Celtic, Glasgow Rangers and Heart of Midlothian to enter B teams in the Scottish Lowland League next season.

I hope this happens.

We need the biggest Scottish sides to play B or colt teams in the lower divisions. So that young Scottish players can get early experience of competitive adult football. So young players can test themselves against top quality experienced players in real matches.

I would also love to see Hibernian, Dundee United, Dundee and Motherwell playing their B or colt sides in the Scottish Lowland League, also.

I would also love Aberdeen, Inverness Caledonian Thistle and Ross County to play colt or B sides in the Scottish Highland League.

It is about giving young Scottish players early competitive football. So we can produce tonnes of great players for the international side.

The international side is the priority.

And if this ensures all the big sides develop top Scottish players, then that is good for the international side at the top level.

The Germans, Dutch, Croatians, Spanish, French and Portuguese have had some of their top sides playing their youth or second sides in the lower divisions of their leagues.

And Scotland had a Division C system where second teams could play first team sides.

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