Saturday, February 12, 2022

Could It Be A Aberdeen v Kilmarnock Play-Off?

Could It Be A Aberdeen v Kilmarnock Scottish Premiership Play-Off? 

Aberdeen are on a bad run of form. Aberdeen fans will be wanting Aberdeen to start winning. 

Not only could they be playing Cove Rangers in the Scottish Championship next season if they continue to lose.

But Aberdeen may play the play-off against Kilmarnock to decide who plays in the Scottish Premiership next season.

At present Kilmarnock are in second place in the Scottish Championship.

Aberdeen are sliding down the league table, and if they finish 11th they have to play a play-off against a team from the Scottish Championship. That could be against Kilmarnock. The irony is that Kilmarnock are managed by former Aberdeen boss Derek McInnes.

It would be painful for Aberdeen fans to be relegated by a former Aberdeen manager, 

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